De Soto School District #73
Parents As Teachers

Parents As Teachers serving De Soto, Grandview, Hillsboro,
and Sunrise School Districts
located at the De Soto Early Childhood Center
1812 Rock Road, De Soto, MO
Ph: (636) 586-1008
- Being a parent is one of the hardest but most rewarding jobs you will ever encounter.
- Your baby was born to learn, and as a parent, you are your child’s first and most important teacher.
- In their first years, children learn more and at a faster pace than at any other time in life.
- The kinds of experiences you provide for your child’s early growth and development will help shape your child’s future success in school and life.
Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a free, voluntary parent education and family support program. It is a home visiting program that can begin during pregnancy and continues until the child is enters kindergarten.
P.A.T. partners with the De Soto Public Library. Story time is available to the public each Monday morning at the library at 10:30. Our program sponsors the fourth Monday of each month with an hour of stories and fun activities. It’s a great opportunity to meet with parents and children from around the area.
We also partner with the De Soto Early Childhood Center. P.A.T. families are welcome to attend their field trips, too, but you must provide your own transportation. Check out our Facebook page to see what's going on with our program.
Parents as Teachers is an international program designed to foster strong, loving relationships between parents and their children. You and your child deserve the support P.A.T. offers.
Give your child the best possible start in life because your baby was born to learn!
For children birth to kindergarten entry, a complete screening includes hearing, vision, general health and developmental. Please call (636) 586-1008 to schedule a screening appointment.
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